Public Files Report
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Public Files Report

Ø   Note The FCC requires that each year on the anniversary of the date you are required to file your renewal; you publish your Public File on your website.  If you have not done so, please consult your legal counsel and please publish in a timely manner to avoid the risk of punitive action by the FCC.

If you need assistance, please click on graphic to seek Litera Consulting’s help in getting your data entered and formatted into your Public file.Your public file is populated by Broadcast1Source by recording and compiling data that you have entered such as job vacancies, referrals, source of hires, outreach efforts etc. 

Its accuracy is totally dependent on the accuracy of information entered by you. Broadcast1Source allows you to get an HTML version of your public file for easy publication to your website.

On the main menu, highlight Reports and click on EEO Public File  as shown below:


You will be directed to the screen below:


Here you have the option of searching by date, state reporting period or you may upload a public file  To search by date, check the the box next to From Date.


Choose the appropriate dates for your search.


Ø            Then click Submit:


Ø            You may also search by a state's reporting period.  To accomplish this, check the box next to My state reporting period.


Choose the appropriate period:


Ø               Then press Submit:


Results for your search will appear similar to the screen below:


Ø   You may export your results and save to a disk by selecting the graphic button, or you can export the results and save it to new window by pressing graphic.

Ø   You also have the ability to print by clicking either the graphic option, which will print the report or the graphicbutton which will print the entire page.

Ø            When you are finished, click graphic  to return to the main menu.