Edit or Delete a Job Vacancy
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Edit or Delete a Job Vacancy

Ø   Note - You do not need to delete a job vacancy after it has been filled. The system automatically "closes" job vacancies after 30 days (unless you edit the close date).

Ø            To edit your current job vacancies, highlight Jobs and select Edit Job:


A screen similar to the one shown below will appear showing you a list of current job vacancies.

Ø            To edit a job vacancy click Edit:


Ø            This action will take you to the Edit Job page


Ø            Please edit any information necessary and click Submit, located at the bottom of the page.


Ø            To delete a job vacancy click Delete, and then click Ok.


Ø      Note - You can also add a new job vacancy on this screen by clicking  the graphicicon as shown below. See the Post a New Job Vacancy section for further instructions on adding job vacancies.


Ø               If you wish to review a job that you have previously deleted, highlight Jobs and click Deleted Jobs from the main menu:


You will see the screen similar to the following showing a list of your deleted jobs, if any.


Ø   Note - You may organize any category numerically or alphabetically by clicking on the category name.

Ø   To restore a specific job, click Restore for that job:


Ø   To physically delete a particular job from list, click Purge.


Ø   The following screen will appear. Click OK  delete the job, or if you change your mind click Cancel and you will be taken back to the Jobs List.


Ø   When you are finished, click graphic  to return to the main menu.


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