Litera Services
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Ø To subscribe to Fax1Touch, click Litera Services or click on Jobs, then select Subscribe to Fax1Touch as shown below:
You will be directed to the following screen:
Ø Click on to see the available services
Ø Click on as shown above and you will be taken to the
following screen:
Ø Press and you will be directed to available services page below:
Ø Note - Please, select any service that you need.
Ø Choose either one of these options to go to the next page.
Ø If you click continue, you will be direct to the page with services selected to check out.
Ø Choose Secure Checkout, this will direct you to the agreement page.
Ø Note - If you made mistake or are not sure, you can click Cancel or Back to make changes.
Ø You will be asked to enter personal information, then to Accept the service agreement shown below:
This option will direct you to the following window, please enter required billing information to purchase the service.
Ø After information is filled out completely, click the Secure Checkout option at the bottom of the page:
Ø When you are finished, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. After you have received your confirmation page you can begin posting jobs and notify recruiting agencies of your job vacancies.
To subscribe for other Litera services available, simply go to:
Ø Log into your account, Click on then select
You will directed to the following window:
Ø Please check the Quantity box beside Service Pack. You also have an option to select a la carte services (costs are higher).
Ø Note - You must select one of the options that has Fax1Touch in order to send notifications of any job openings.
Ø When you’re finished, click Continue located at the bottom of the screen:
Ø Then click on Secure checkout at the bottom of the screen:
Ø You will see the page below. Here you need to fill out your payment information and then click Secure checkout.
Ø If you accept the terms and conditions, press I Accept located at the bottom of the screen:
You will be directed to the screen below:
Ø After information is filled out completely, click the Secure Checkout option at the bottom of the page:
When you are finished, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. After you have received your confirmation page you can begin posting jobs and notify recruiting agencies of your job vacancies.
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