Job Details Report
To view a detailed report about a job, please highlight Jobs and click Jobs Details
Report as shown below:
You will be directed to a screen similar to the following:
You may view open jobs, closed jobs or all jobs by selecting the appropriate
options as shown below:
Ø To view the details about a specific job, click Details:
You will be taken to a screen similar to the following which shows not only the job
details, but the notification, interview and hired persons details.
Ø When you are done viewing the details, click Close to return to the Jobs List.
Ø From the Jobs List, you may also highlight and click the Job ID as
shown below:
This will direct you to the View Job Vacancy page which will present you with the
vacancy details as well as the contact details of that particular job. The page will
appear similar to the following:
Ø When you are done viewing this page, click Close as shown above and you
will be taken back to the Jobs List page.
Ø When you are finished, click
to return to the main menu.