Interview Sheet
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Interview Sheet

To view information on interviews, please scroll to Jobs and click Interview Sheet as shown below:


You will be directed to a screen similar to the one below:


Ø            Press Click Here, this will take you to the Job Vacancy page where you can choose which job you wish to view the Interview Sheet.


Ø   From the top menu, you have the ability to Show Open Jobs, Show Closed Jobs, or Show All Jobs.  Select which option you would like and results will automatically appear.

Ø   Click Select next to the job you wish to view as shown above. A screen similar to the following will appear showing interview information:


You may click on the interviewee's name to view the interview information.


Ø         You may edit the interview information by selecting Edit for that interview:


You may also delete the interview information by selecting Delete as shown below:


Ø            The following window will open, click OK to delete the details. If you change your mind, select Cancel.


Ø            When you are finished, click graphic  to return to the main menu.