Record an Outreach Initiative
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Ø Note - Each employment unit is required to "earn" 4 points, except for small market qualifiers or units with less than 10 employees who are required to "earn" 2 points, by participating in or conducting various defined Prong 3 outreach initiatives. Please consult your legal counsel for more information.
Please highlight Prong 3 and click Election of Outreach Initiatives as shown
The Election Outreach Initiatives window shown below will open.
Press Click Here next to the Activity Type box as shown above. A list of outreach activities with full explanations and the FCC points assigned to each activity will be shown.
Ø Press Select beside the activity you are participating in as shown above.
Continue filling out the other outreach initiative details in the form shown below.
Ø When you have finished, click Submit. Your outreach activities and your points will be shown in your public files and other reports.
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Reports For Self-Assessment