Full-Time Jobs Filled
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Full-Time Jobs Filled

The Full-time Jobs Filled report shows you the full-time jobs that have been filled in a certain time period.

Ø            From the main menu, highlight Reports and click Full-Time Jobs Filled as shown below:


This action opens the Full-Time Jobs Filled search page shown below will open.


·    Here you have the option of searching by date or your state's reporting period. After choosing your search criteria press Submit.

·    The Full-time Jobs Filled report shows you the full-time jobs that have been filled in the time period selected.  Results will appear similar to the screen below:


Results appear in PDF, but you have the ability to change the format by selecting the drop down box shown below:


Ø            Whichever format you decide, you have the ability to save by clicking the  graphic icon.  You can export the report and show it in a new window by clicking the graphicicon.


Ø            There are two options concerning how you would like the page to print. You may click the graphic icon, which will print just the report, or the graphic icon which will print the entire page.


·    When you are finished, click graphic  to return to the main menu.