Edit or Delete a Recruiting Agency
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Edit or Delete a Recruiting Agency

Ø   Note - You can only edit your own Prong 1 or Prong 2 agencies. If you discover that an agency on your State Broadcasters Association's list has incorrect or missing information, please notify your State Broadcasters Association.

Ø            Click on Recruiting Agencies and select Edit Recruiting Agency as shown below:


Ø      This action will direct you to a screen similar to the following:


Ø      Note: You may organize the results by what list the agencies are in. An example is shown below:


Ø            Click Edit on the right side of the recruiting agency which you wish to edit as shown below:


Ø      You will be directed to the Edit Recruitment Agency screen:


Ø            Make the necessary changes and click Submit, located at the bottom of the page, to save your changes.  If Prong 2 notification is explained clearly to you and accepted, check the appropriate boxes.  An example is shown below:


Ø            You may also view previously deleted recruiting agencies.  To do this, please click Deleted Agencies as shown below:


Ø   This will direct you to the Deleted Recruiting Agencies page:


Ø   To restore a specific agency, click Restore as shown below:


The following window will appear:


Ø   Click OK to restore the agency, or if you change your mind click Cancel.

Ø   From the Deleted Recruiting Agencies page you may also physically delete an agency by selecting Purge as shown below:


The following window will appear:


Ø   Click OK to permanently delete the agency, or if you change your mind, select Cancel.

Ø            When you are finished, click graphic  to return to the main menu.


What Else Can I Do?


graphicRecord A Referral

graphicAdd A Recruiting Agency

graphicSearch For A Recruiting Agency